Wir eilen mit Schwachen, doch emsigen Schritten - J.S. Bach
Four Songs (Vier Gesange)
2. Lied von Shakespeare (Song From Twelfth Night)
3. Der Gartner (The Gardner)
4. Gesang aus Fingeal (Song From Fingal )
1. Es tont ein voller Harfenklang (The Harp Resounds with Wild Refrain)
2. Lied von Shakespeare (Song From Twelfth Night)
3. Der Gartner (The Gardner)
4. Gesang aus Fingeal (Song From Fingal )
Misa Brevis in D - Benjamin Britten
Agnus Dei
Gloria Tibi, from Mass - Leonard Bernstein
I Hate Music - Leonard Bernstein
1. My Name is Barbara
2. Jupiter Has Seven Moons
3. I Hate Music
5. I'm a Person Too
One Hand, One Heart - Leonard Bernstein
What'll I Do? - Irving Berlin
Blue Skies - Irving Berlin
Ring Out - Jennaya Robison
Et Misericordia - Kim Arneson
The Winter's Night - Nicholas Myers
Cradle Hymn - Kim Arneson
Personet Hodie - Arr. Kingsley
O Magnum Mysterium - K. Memley
Bell choir - O Come Rejoicing, Ukranian Bell Carol
Strings - The Holly and the Ivy, Greensleeves
A Ceremony of Carols - Benjamin Britten
(Selections From)
Ave Generosa - Ola Gjielo
Dormi Jesu - Ivo Antognini
Little Lamb - John Tavener
This Endris Night - Sarah Quartel
Ave Verum Corpus - Francis Poulenc
Under the Starry Sky, for flute and organ - Hans-Andre Stamm
Variationen (Uber ein bretonisches Weihnachtslied), for flute and organ - Hans-Andre Stamm
Rise Up - Jake Runestad
My Song - Eriks Esenvelds
Psallite - Kyle Pederson
Controlled Burn - Dessa/Jocelyn Hagen
Caritas Abundat - Michael John Trotta
Canticum Novum - Ivo Antognini
How Can I Keep From Singing - Arr. Karen Thomas
I Have a Voice - Moira Smiley
Tuvayan -Beatitudes for a Wounded World - Kim Arneson
What is Peace?
Song For a Lily
I Hope
​ Song For Justice
All is Well - Sarah Quartel
​In Remembrance - Eleanor Daley
Ave Generosa - Ola Gjielo
Su, Su, Su, Pastorelli, Vezzosi - Claudio Monteverdi/arr. by Geoffrey Edwards
In Dulci Jubilo - Matthew Culloton
This Endris Night - Sarah Quartel
Dormi Jesu - Ivo Antognini
The Shape of My Soul - Andrea Clearfield
Always Keep This Close - Zachary Moore
Everyone Sang - Richard Burchard
Listen to a Jubilant Song - Tim Sarsany
Canticum Novum - Ivo Antognini
My Song - Eric Esenvelds
Psallite - Kyle Pederson
Voice Dance - Greg Jasperse
How Can I Keep From Singing - arr. by K. P. Thomas
Flight Song - Kim Arneson
A Jubilant Song - Norman Dello Joio
Il est bel est bon - Arr. by John Leavitt
​Cantate Domino - Giuseppe Pitoni
Folk Songs of the Four Seasons - Ralph Vaughn Williams
Prologue - To the Ploughboy
I. Spring
1. Early in the Spring
2. The Lark in the Morning
3. May Song
II. Summer
1. Summer is A-Coming In and The Cuckoo
2. The Sprig of Thyme
3. The Sheep Shearing
4. The Green Meadow
Cikala le Pong Pong - Ken Stevens
Only in Sleep - Eriks Esenvalds
Song of the Universal - Ola Gjielo
Northern Lights - Eriks Esenvalds
Take Me to the Water - Rollo Dilworth
Veni, Veni Emmanuel - Michael John Trotta
One Voice - Ruth Moody
Solitude - Stephen Smith
Windsong - Dan Forrest
Light of a Clear Blue Morning - Arr. by Craig Hella Johnson
Ad Amore - Lee R. Kesselman
I See the Heaven's Glories Shine - Andrea Ramsey
Iubilate Deo - Gyongyosi Levente
Go Out in Joy - Joan Szymko
Music Down in My Soul - Arr. by Moses Hogan
The Tree of Peace - Gwyneth Walker
Now Let Me Fly - Arr. by Stacey Gibbs
Voice on the Wind - Sarah Quartel
Bring Me Little Water, Silvy - Arr. by Greg Gilpin
A Little Jazz Mass - Bob Chilcott
1. Kyrie
2. Gloria
3. Sanctus
4. Benedictus
5. Agnus Dei
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot - Arr. by Stacey Gibbs
Beautiful City - André J. Thomas
Will the Circle Be Unbroken - Arr. by David Moore
And Ain’t I a Woman! - Susan Borwick
Gloria - Vivaldi
O Antiqui Sancti- Michael Engelhardt
The Shape of My Soul - Andrea Clearfield
Alleluia - Paul Basler
There Will Come Soft Rains - Kevin Memley
Revelation - Z. Randall Stroope
Go Where I Send Thee - Caldwell/Ivory
​Six Choral Songs for Treble Voices, Op. 15 - Sergei Rachmaninoff
1. Glory
2. Night
3. The Pine Tree
4. Now the Waves Are Drowsing
5. Captivity
6. The Angel
Bogoroditse Devo - Sergei Rachmaninoff
Mass No. 6 - Gyorgy Orban
Agnus Dei
​Lauda Sion - Gyorgy Orban
The March of the Women - Ethel Smyth
In Praise of Music: I Pant for Music Which is Divine - David Conte
Joy - Jocelyn Hagen
In the Sweet By and By - Joseph Webster, Arr. by Daniel Hall
Even When He is Silent - Kim Arnesen
Makedonska Humoreska - Todor Skalovski
Dixit Dominus - Baldassare Galuppi
I See the Heaven's Glories Shine - Andrea Ramsey
Northern Lights - Eriks Esenvalds
Jubilate Deo - Gyongyosi Levente
​Keep On Singing - Simon Wawer
​I'm Gonna sing 'Till the Spirit Moves in My Heart - Moses Hogan, Arr. by Peter Eklund
Hildegard Motets - Maria Löfberg
1. O choruscans lux stellarum
2. O virtus Sapientie
4. Nunc gaudeant
Moon Goddess - Jocelyn Hagen
Everything She Touches - Joan Szymko
Keep Yo’ Lamps - Rosephanye Powell
Les sirèns - Lili Boulanger
When I am an Old Woman, I Shall Wear Purple - Ruth Watson Henderson
The Gate of the Year - Eleanor Daley
Canticle of Mary - Libby Larsen
Malala - Joan Szymko
Lessons Learned: Scheherezade - Emily John
Universal Dream - Jenni Brandon
From Dusk to Dawn - Gwyneth Walker
Sing Creations Music On - Stephen Paulus
Ave Maria - Franz Biebl
Wanting Memories - Yasaye Barnwell
Ad Amore - Lee R. Kesselman
Nada Te Turbe - Joan Szymko
Nothing Gonna Stumble My Feet - Greg Gilpin
Song of the Stars - Bob Chilcott
Song of the Universal - Ola Gjeilo
Psalm 23 - Z. Randall Stroope
Still I Rise - Rosephayne Powell
Listen to a Jubilant Song - Tim Sarsany
Two Offetories, Op. 65 for Treble Voices - Gabriel Faure
Ave Verum
Tantum Ergo
I Cannot Dance O Lord - Stephen Paulus
Choral Hymns from the Rig Veda, No. 3 - Gustav Holst
No. 1 Hymn to the Dawn
No. 2 Hymn to the Waters
No. 3 Hymn to Vena
No Time - Susan Brumfield
Song of Perfect Propriety - Carol Barnett
Triptych - Tarik O'Regan
I. Threnody
II. As We Remember Them
III. From Heaven Distilled a Clemency
I Thank You God - Gwyneth Walker
Sisters (My Girls, No. 3) - Gwyneth Walker
Hoj, Hura Hoj - Otmar Macha
Prayer of the Children - Bestor/Klouse
Invocation - Z. Randall Stroope
Alleluia (from "Songs of Faith") - Paul Basler
Nigra Sum - Pablo Casals
Voice Dance - Greg Jasperse
I Am Not Yours - David Childs
Love is a Rain of Diamonds (from "Songs for Women's Voices") - Gwyneth Walker
Gaudete - Michael Engelhardt
Ain't No Grave Can Hold My Body Down - Paul Caldwell & Sean Ivory
Autumn Leaves - Johnny Mercer/Joseph Kosma, arr. by Ryan O'Connell
Bumble Bee - Words and Music by Anders Endenroth
The Lake Isle of Innisfree - Eleanor Daley
The Moon is Distant From the Sea - David Childs
Hexenlied - Felix Mendelssohn
Tundra - Ola Gjeilo
To Be Sung On the Water - Samuel Barber
Anadyomene - Kevin Memley
Sicut Cervus - Giovanni Palestrina
Ngana - Stephen Leek
Revelation - Z. Randall Stroope
Lessons From The Sea - Gwyneth Walker